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The Game Puck

The Mike Holden Productivity Coaching Game Puck is given to agents in the program who go above and beyond for other agents in our program and in our Market Center. They are always willing to help, empathetic to new agents and showcase the Keller Williams culture.

This month’s game puck recipient is...Marc Janelle!


Here's what Marc’s teammates say about him.


"Marc is a great listener, problem solver and always knows how to make me laugh. He has the ability to separate emotion from fact and the experience to offer great advice. He handles difficulty with grace. Marc is an important part of our coaching family and deserves to be recognized for his hard work and help to others."


"Since day 1, Marc had always been a go to person when I need help. He is always offering a listening ear, and I admire him very much."


"He has been a voice of reason for me. Always there to answer questions and lend a helping hand when asked. He has always been nice to me and nonjudgmental. Fine example of what a KW Agent should be in my opinion."


"Marc and I have been in the program together from its infancy and prior when it was “Launch”. In that time, I have bounced ideas off of him, asked for help with comps, etc. I trust his opinion and know that his intentions are always good. He is a good man and great Realtor to call one of my peers."


"He has been there when other agents need help and is always so helpful to answer any questions or show you
how to do something"




Congrats, Marc! The entire Productivity Team and the Market Center are proud to be in business with you.


To work with Marc, contact her below!

Marc Janelle

C: 603-775-3485
O: 603-232-8282 
Like Marc on Facebook








Past Puck Winners!

May 2020, Kelly Goddu

June 2020, Jenny Davis

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